1. Implied mode: No explicit address

ex) instructions for accumulator and stack

ex) PUSH A 

      ADD A

- stack이라는 것을 알고 있음

2. Immediate mode: Operand field contains the actual operand value

ex) addi $s1, $s2, 4

3. Register mode: Selected register contains the operand

* E.A. = Selected register

ex) add $t0, $t1, $s1

4. Register Indirect mode: Selected register contains the address of operands

* E.A. = Contents of selected register

ex) MOVE.W (A1), D1

5. Direct Address mode: Effective address is equal to the address part of the instruction and operands reside in memory

* E.A. = Address field of instruction

ex) MOVE.W 10000, D1

6. Indirect Address mode: The address field gives the address where the effective address is stored.

* E.A. = Memory [Address field of instruction]

* Two memory references (slowest)

ex) ADD (1000)

7. (PC) Relative Address mode: Content of PC is added to the address part of instruction to obtain the effective address (branch type instructions)

* E.A. = PC + Offset in address field of instruction

8. Indexed Address mode: the content of index register (offset) is added to the address part of instruction (base address) to obtain the effective address

* E.A. = Index register + the address field (base address)

0. Base Register Address mode: the content of base register (base address) is added to the address part of instruction (offset) to obtain the effective address (to facilitate the relocation of programs in memory)

* E.A. = Base register + Offset in the address field of instruction

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