1. Implied mode: No explicit address

ex) instructions for accumulator and stack

ex) PUSH A 

      ADD A

- stack이라는 것을 알고 있음

2. Immediate mode: Operand field contains the actual operand value

ex) addi $s1, $s2, 4

3. Register mode: Selected register contains the operand

* E.A. = Selected register

ex) add $t0, $t1, $s1

4. Register Indirect mode: Selected register contains the address of operands

* E.A. = Contents of selected register

ex) MOVE.W (A1), D1

5. Direct Address mode: Effective address is equal to the address part of the instruction and operands reside in memory

* E.A. = Address field of instruction

ex) MOVE.W 10000, D1

6. Indirect Address mode: The address field gives the address where the effective address is stored.

* E.A. = Memory [Address field of instruction]

* Two memory references (slowest)

ex) ADD (1000)

7. (PC) Relative Address mode: Content of PC is added to the address part of instruction to obtain the effective address (branch type instructions)

* E.A. = PC + Offset in address field of instruction

8. Indexed Address mode: the content of index register (offset) is added to the address part of instruction (base address) to obtain the effective address

* E.A. = Index register + the address field (base address)

0. Base Register Address mode: the content of base register (base address) is added to the address part of instruction (offset) to obtain the effective address (to facilitate the relocation of programs in memory)

* E.A. = Base register + Offset in the address field of instruction

'나의' 카테고리의 다른 글

Stored Program Concept 폰노이만구조  (0) 2011.03.08
CISC vs. RISC  (0) 2011.03.08
컴구 ch1 & ch2  (2) 2011.03.07
2번째 모임  (0) 2011.03.03
대학원 준비 STUDY - 1  (1) 2011.02.28


Computer Architecture and Organization


1. Computer Abstractions and Technology

2. Instructions: Language of the Computer

3. Arithmetic for Computers

4. The Processor

5. Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy

6. Storage and Other I/O Topics

* Objectives

- 디자인 컨셉, 계산 성과를 높이기 위한 방법

- 디자인 프로세스 (in the context of a complex HW system)

* Descriptions

- CA: 컴퓨터의 각 요소의 동작과 구조

- CO: 각 요소가 어떻게 연결되어 있는지

Chapter 1. Computer Abstractions and Technology

* 5 classic components of computer:


Datapath                           ___CPU


Output                              ___I/O

Memory                           ___Memory

Chapter 2. Instructions: Language of the Computer

* 레지스터의 종류

General: 계산 목적 (R0, R1, ...)

Special: - PC (Program Counter): 다음 인스트럭션의 주소

- AC (Accumulator): 계산 결과를 일시적으로 holding

- IR (Instruction register): 메모리에서 가져온 인스트럭션을 holding

* ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) is essentially a programmer's view of processors

- information needed to interact with processor, but not the details of how it is designed and implemented

* Instruction consists of Opcode and Operands

* Different Addressing Modes (따로 정리)

Effective Address - actual address of the location containing the referenced operand.

Implied mode, Immediate mode, Register mode, Register Indirect mode, Direct Address mode, Indirect Address mode...

* Completeness & Orthogonality

- Completeness: 사용자가 프로그램 짤 때 꼭 필요한 인스트럭션 집합을 갖추고 있어야 함.

A computer should have a set of instructions so that the user can construct machine language programs to evaluate any function that is known to be computable

(Arithmetic/Logical, Data Transfer - including I/O, Control Transfer)

- Orthogonality: 중복되는 건 없는 거

Instructions are orthogonal if they do not overlap, or perform same function

* Instruction Format

1) R-type Instruction Format

2) I-type Instruction Format

3) J-type Instruction Format

'나의' 카테고리의 다른 글

CISC vs. RISC  (0) 2011.03.08
컴구 - Addressing modes  (0) 2011.03.08
2번째 모임  (0) 2011.03.03
대학원 준비 STUDY - 1  (1) 2011.02.28
코코네  (1) 2011.02.28

2011.03.03 pm 7:30

HHS씨가 빠진다고 했다.

CKR오빠와 둘이서 하게 되었음.

스터디 모임은 매주 월,목 저녁 7시.

이번 달은 컴퓨터 구조 스터디.

매번 한 chapter씩 나가기로 했음.

스터디 방식은: 한 사람씩 번갈아 가며 준비해 오고 설명한 뒤, 모르는 거 있을시 서로 물어보기

열심히 해보자! 아자 >_<

'나의' 카테고리의 다른 글

CISC vs. RISC  (0) 2011.03.08
컴구 - Addressing modes  (0) 2011.03.08
컴구 ch1 & ch2  (2) 2011.03.07
대학원 준비 STUDY - 1  (1) 2011.02.28
코코네  (1) 2011.02.28

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